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ID: <- Cou004 ->
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8th of July, 2 PM, 2nd session.

Come on in.

Touko, hello.

Hello, Lain.


It’s almost the summer holidays! Are you looking forward to them?

Not especially.

Let’s see here, today I’d like to play a game with you Lain, that’s why I brought this.

What’s that?

It’s oil painting set. Do you like to paint, Lain?

I don’t like painting... Maybe...

I see... Well, do you know tic-tac-toe?

I know it, but I don’t want to play that.

I... I’m sorry. Well, do you have anything you want to do, Lain?

I’d like to talk some more.

What do you want to talk about?

Whatever. About you.

About me? Well... I’m not that interesting, you know.

...It's not okay?

No, that's not the case.

But look, I’m already 27, if we talked about me we’d have to start all the way at the beginning and it’d take forever!

And really, it’s not a very interesting story at that.

What kind of doctor are you?

What kind of doctor you ask?

Well, I help people like you who worry about certain things, and listen to their stories.

And I give them advice to help fix their problems.

You understand?

Ah... I thought so.

What’s wrong?

If you’re not feeling well, or you’re not comfortable, please tell me. You can be honest with me.

I should be more careful, really.

You shouldn’t worry so much.

Just relax, come and have a nice talk with me once a month.

