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ID: <- Cou020 ->
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Misc: SW: 1, q: 0, state: visible, type: 2;
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Reveals: Cou021  
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Tags: sky

Good morning, Lain.

Good morning, Touko-san.

Have you seen anything since then?

No, I haven’t. Honestly.

Have you heard anything?

Sometimes I hear gibberish.

Very confused? One person? More than one?

More than one. Men and women.

Are they people you know?

Probably not.

You said that you heard things from the sky. What do you think is in the sky?

There’s air.

Uh, huh. And aside from that?

Clouds. The sun. The stars.

Do you know about the radio waves for TV and cell phones?

Yes. The information travels wirelessly?

Right. The information flies through the sky.

Am I hearing that information?

Hmm. It might be that you imagine you are hearing that information.

There’s a sickness like that?

There is.

It’s called delusion.

It’s a symptom of schizophrenia and neurosis.

In simple terms, such symptoms may appear when you concentrate too much on something or feel stressed.



Most of the time, you will hear things that are related to you, to some extent.

For instance, they hear voices that bad-mouth them.



You’ve been studying up on this stuff.

Ok. I’ll fill you in a little more on this.

The definition of "delusion" is taking a mistaken idea and believing in your own mind that it is correct.

But for you, Lain, you say that you might have felt or sensed something.

You don't have conviction in your feelings, so they aren't delusions.

You have thoughts, in technical terms, we call it contemplations.


You can forget that term if you’d like.

As I mentioned before, a delusion is generally something intertwined with one’s self.

Most of the time, there are no delusions that don't involve me.

I’m not delusional?

Fundamentally, no.

Still, there are all sorts of delusions, and if you try to "pin" one of them onto someone, you may start pinning other ones on that person, too.
