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ID: <- Tda011 ->
Location: site A, level 2, #-6
Misc: SW: 0, q: 1, state: hidden, type: 2;
Depends on: Tda010 
Reveals: Tda012  
decoded file:t
Tags: uneasiness
leave alone

I’m home!

I’m back in Japan after 5 years.

Hee, hee.

Japan is great.

Living in America was good, but I feel at ease being back home.

I’m a bit scared, though.

When you come home after being away for so long, you start to feel out of place.

I remember being insecure in junior high school, too.

I would be tardy for school and Mom scolded me.

Five years sure went by fast.

I had no time to be homesick.

But you worked really hard, didn't you, Touko?

Study, study, study.

I made good friends, and there were good times and bad times, too.

I had a romance that didn’t work out, but I had another romance that worked out well.

Looking back, I wonder what about me changed the most.

Hee, hee.

I’m okay, I’m okay!

Have self-confidence and fight, Touko!

I start working at the research center tomorrow.

I want to stop worrying today.

When I go to the research center tomorrow, I might see Takeshi-san.
