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ID: <- Lda053 ->
Location: site A, level 13, #5
Misc: SW: 2, q: 0, state: visible, type: 2;
Depends on: (nothing)
Reveals: nothing
Info: lain's_DIARY
Tags: Mr.rabbit

When I talked about the email to my net buddies, a person named Rabbit taught me how I can trace it. I might be able to do it if the host's logs aren't gone yet.

It’s not something I’m supposed to do, but I feel like a detective, and it’s a bit fun.

Whoever sent that e-mail is at fault, anyway.

I can retaliate a little.

I’m not such a good person anyway.

What can I do if people say that there is something wrong with my character?

After all, there’s something wrong with me.

"Strange" is what I am?

I’m strange, aren’t I, Mr. Rabbit?
