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ID: <- Tda092 ->
Location: site B, level 12, #4
Misc: SW: 5, q: 0, state: hidden, type: 2;
Depends on: Tda091 
Reveals: nothing
decoded file:t
Tags: illusion

The me that has a body will disappear, won’t it?

My hands, my face, my hair.

It’s sad that no one will touch my body again.

Lain will be by my side, won’t she?

I’ll be sad at first, so be by my side.


Continue to be with me forever, Lain.

If I’m asleep, wake me.

Let’s do a lot of playing together.

Let’s keep an eye on everything.

We’ll eliminate all trivial thoughts.

Let’s find others to live with.

We’ll find more friends.

This is much too large a place for just two people.

Don’t you want a boyfriend, Lain?

I won’t have one for a while.

Let’s eliminate everything trivial in the world.

The only people in this world are Lain and me.
