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ID: <- Tda062 ->
Location: site B, level 4, #-4
Misc: SW: 2, q: 0, state: visible, type: 2;
Depends on: (nothing)
Reveals: nothing
decoded file:t
Tags: doubt

I’ve relaxed a lot and have been able to look at myself more clearly.

That has made it easier for me to write in my diary.

I can finally see my surroundings.

The reason the jerks at the lab were laughing at me was because they knew about Takeshi-san getting married.

I’m understanding now that I’m the only one who had no clue.

I feel raw and bitter.

I feel miserable.

I am sad.


I can’t work anymore.

I want to throw everything away and quit working at this lab.

I’ll quit counseling Lain.

Lain will be alright without me.

Won’t you, Lain?

Who is going to help me?


He’s better than Takeshi-san anyway.

He’s young and kind and I want to be held by him.

I wanted to cheat on Takeshi-san.

But that’s a lie, too.

Was I just looking for someone who would need me?

I didn’t know what a weak person I am.

I better head to bed soon.

I’m sure there is a stronger Touko in one of my dreams.

I’ll be different tomorrow.

As long as I go to sleep believing that, I’ll be...
