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ID: <- Tda042 ->
Location: site A, level 10, #2
Misc: SW: 2, q: 0, state: hidden, type: 2;
Depends on: Tda041 
Reveals: Tda043  
decoded file:t
Tags: harumi
odd jobs

I got an e-mail from Harumi.

It was all about her honeymoon, and it seemed like she didn’t care what was going on with me at all.

That’s fine.

But since you’re happy, can’t you involve me in your discussion a little?


Aside from Takeshi-san, Harumi and Kanako are the only people I confide in.

Maybe I need more friends, but I don’t have the personality to warm up to everyone.

These are all my own personal problems, after all.

It’s not time to be taking care of other people.

I think I’ll talk to Professor Takashima tomorrow and ask him to let me stop counseling Lain.

But if I do that, I really will have nothing to do.

If all I do here is petty chores, I might as well quit being here.
