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ID: <- Tda036 ->
Location: site A, level 6, #-2
Misc: SW: 0, q: 0, state: visible, type: 2;
Depends on: (nothing)
Reveals: nothing
decoded file:t
Tags: hallucination

I wonder how many times I’ve met with Lain so far.

She sometimes struggles with hallucinations, but they don’t seem to be worsening.

Seeing hallucinations must be a very difficult thing for her.

She's not the kind of kid that should be gloomy.

I wonder if she's having a hard time at school.

Her mother told me that she isn’t being bullied.

When I mention school, Lain tends to go quiet.

Maybe I should ask some of her friends at school how she’s doing.

I think the kind of bullying that happens in schools now is different from the kind that took place when I was younger.

I wish I could help you, Lain.

I feel depressed when I see Lain.

I can't help feeling depressed, but it’s when I get that way that Professor Takashima always complains to me about stupid stuff.


Tomorrow I have the day off.

I’ll go out on the town and have a good time.
