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ID: <- Tda028 ->
Location: site A, level 4, #-4
Misc: SW: 0, q: 0, state: visible, type: 2;
Depends on: (nothing)
Reveals: nothing
decoded file:t
Tags: eye

I met Lain for the second time today.

She looked right at me and called me "sensei." That made me feel good, and I blushed.

I wonder if I’ve become transparent to her already.

I must be an inexperienced counselor if I blush just from being called sensei.

From the first time I met Lain, I had an unusual sense about her.

I wonder what that was.

When I look into her eyes, I feel as though she can see right through me.

Do I, reflected in her large eyes, look unreliable to her?

I don’t remember myself being as calm as Lain when I was her age.

I was more of a "polite" character, so I guess I was fine.

She seems really composed.

They say that kids are getting all precocious these days.

I guess times are changing.


Now I’m talking like an old woman.

Don’t let the hallucinations get you down, Lain!

I'm going to help you feel better.
