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ID: <- Tda017 ->
Location: site A, level 3, #-5
Misc: SW: 0, q: 1, state: hidden, type: 2;
Depends on: Tda016 
Reveals: Tda018  
decoded file:t
Tags: harumi
Nega feelings

I received a phone call from Harumi today.

I don’t hear from her often. She’s a bit lazy about making phone calls.

I was surprised to hear from her.

But I was really surprised when Harumi told me that she was getting married.

She always used to talk about how she just broke up with a guy and felt like she wanted to die, or that she wanted to be introduced to a new guy.

She calls so infrequently.

I was wondering why she called, and it was about marriage.

I felt sort of relieved and slightly shocked.

But when a woman is 26 years old, it’s not odd for her to be married or to have children.


Now I’m feeling jealous.

That’s okay.

When I go to the wedding, I’ll introduce Takeshi-san and make her jealous.

Maybe I’ll get married soon, too.

I'll call Takeshi-san tomorrow.
