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ID: <- Lda058 ->
Location: site A, level 13, #5
Misc: SW: 1, q: 0, state: visible, type: 2;
Depends on: (nothing)
Reveals: Lda059  
Info: lain's_DIARY
Tags: diary

It’s horrible, but I can’t do anything about it.

Someone’s been reading my diary.

It’s been copied and displayed on an FTP site with a vulgar title.

I stopped it, but over 20 people have already read it.

Why did this all happen?

Other people can do what I can do.

I think I’ll avoid the net for a while.

I want to see what’s going on, but my diary might be on someone’s site, being reproduced right now.

I know.

I’m going to send an information-deleting engine into the net.

But what if whoever took my diary has the diary’s back-up information, too?

I’m sure the person who took my diary is that gross guy.

And if it’s him, he would certainly have that information.

I’m so mad.

I can’t win this by myself.

So this is what I amount to.

I think I’ll consult Mr. Rabbit.

I wonder what will help.
