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ID: <- Tda024 ->
Location: site A, level 4, #-4
Misc: SW: 0, q: 0, state: hidden, type: 2;
Depends on: Cou002 
Reveals: Tda025  
decoded file:t
Tags: lain

Today I met my first client.

She's a 12 year old girl named Lain.

I was uneasy at first because I didn’t understand why Professor Takashima assigned me someone so young.

But as soon as I saw Lain’s face, it put me at ease.

I suppose it was because she was cute.


I had an unusual feeling around her.

Anyhow, even if she is very young, she is my client.

It seems that she is troubled by auditory and visual hallucinations, and feels psychologically unstable.

Could she be having trouble at home?

Could she be forming an image of herself from experiences in early childhood?

I hope I can help her.

I hope she will open up to me.

I’ll try my best.
